Begründung | Sonderdenkpause 2 | 28.09.01 [deutsch]
Best of Stupid Goose
Raise passive voting age to 30 years (EMMA 01/02 2001)
Terror of the Brussels assembly (TIME EUROPE 2/4 2001)
As autonomous as it can get and all but a greenhorn
(KONKRET 5/2001)
Those statements there are no green ones (Renate Künast, SPIEGEL 45/2000)
We knew from the beginning that it would not work out with Ilka Schröder. Such a European mandate is a difficult thing. (Regina Michalik, spokeswoman of the Berlin Green Executive, SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG 18/11/2000. She was the unsuccessful challenger for the place in the candidate list for the European Parliament. Her candidacy to the Berlin Regional Parliament was unsuccessful, too.)
Ultra left-winger from Berlin (KÖLNER STADTANZEIGER 6/11/2000)
Shrillest revolutionary against the party chair (FOCUS 25/2000)
Berlin politician at the revolt in Seattle. (
) In Seattle, the state of emergency was declared for the first time since World War II. (BERLINER ZEITUNG 3/12/1999)
Very active and climbing up in the youth organisation of the Green party quickly - to reveal herself eventually as a hijacker (Asocio de Verduloj Esperantista, open letter 18/9/2001 !)
I could bear Jutta Ditfurth, but this is too much. (Ozan Ceyhun, MEP SPD, FOCUS 43/2000)
(Promotion of refugee smugglers)
fits perfectly with the work she has done so far, which is clearly aimed at open hostility with the Volk.
If the Greens don´t kick Ilka Schröder out of their party soon, one could believe that they develop into a criminal protection party, if that´s not what they already are. This goes too far, and not only in my opinion.
Thank God there are no more of such young dynamic parliamentarians.
(letters to the editor, published in PASSAUER NEUE PRESSE)
A child with no idea about politics (Green Executive, BERLINER MORGENPOST 20/4/2000)
She´s got a screw loose (Hans-Jürgen Irmer, CDU, member of the Hessen Parliament, DILL-KURIER 5/2000)
Foolish and counterproductive (former Green chairwoman Antje Radcke, BERLINER MORGENPOST 20/4/2000)
Good girls go to heaven, bad girls everywhere. But where do stupid girls go? (extrem right wing magazine JUNGE FREIHEIT 5/5/2000)
A stupid goose
she must be completely nuts (Dietmar Huber, spokesman of prominent German Greens Rezzo Schlauch and Kerstin Müller, BERLINER ZEITUNG 20/10/2000)
The youngster eurofighter only gradually comprehends that it´s not possible to both sit in the warm nest of the party base and at the same time climb up to the top of power. (SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG 2/6/2000)
Breath-taking professionality of this young politician
even publishes a monthly journal, a personal programmatic and militant publication (WESTDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG 20/5/2000)
Without Fischer she wouldnt have come this far (Heide Rühle, Green MEP, TAGESSPIEGEL 27/6/1999)
Like some of the traumatic births in the novel Solaris she has developed into a scary figure for her colleagues (BERLINER ZEITUNG 25/10/2000)
Top candidate (FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU 23/10/2000)
Troublemaker (BERLINER ZEITUNG 18/7/2001)
stirs up slapstick, revolt and violence (Paul Breuer, CDU member of Bundestag in a press release because of my support for the protests against an army pledge on a public square in Berlin)
Our voters don´t understand when Greens support so many different positions (Heide Rühle, Green MEP, TAGESSPIEGEL 13/6/2000)
yet Schröder only referred to the principles which once constituted the base of ecological war monger (JUNGLE WORLD 26/4/2000)
The next DENKPAUSE will comment on the events since the 11th of September. Excerpts can already be found at https://www.ilka.org.