Begründung | Sonderdenkpause 2 | 28.09.01 [deutsch]
Further walling off of the fortress Europe
Our aim is to avoid a deterioration of the current immigration law... Those were the words with which, on September 3rd, 2001, the Green Party Council departed finally and officially from the long obsolete impression that the Greens would improve something at least in the realm of the immigration law. However, they even try to deny their share in its deterioration. An inappropriate and false modesty in my opinion.
After the summer of national anti-fascism in 2000 many would have liked to forget about it, but it was the green Federal Executive itself who, together with the Green Marieluise Beck, the Federal Immigration Representative, drew attention to what was still missing in German migration politics: A transparent and open procedure in which associations can utter their interests and in which these different societal interests will be balanced. The party base followed suit without any counterarguments in their party resolution: Only this way, economic planning data and labour market concerns, too, can be negotiated in a transparent process. This means in a translated form: According to the will of the Greens, only the exploitability of human capital for the German economy shall decide on an immigration permit. This way, green immigration policy succeeds in developing German racism from a popular into a socio-economic species. Current economic usability is added to origin and skin colour as an assessment criteria. Most of all, useless migrants will be affected, of course, but also homeless, unemployed or alternative Germans can already feel the violent outflows of this ideology.
According to their criteria for the hierarchisation of people, the Greens are also partly responsible for the increasingly fierce defence of the Eastern border. Refugees and their supporters are forced to invent more and more dangerous methods to enter into Germany. The green-red coalition does, of course, not only lead this fight against escape agents by means of the border police, but also ideologically. Some of the most passionate advocates of the walling off obviously draw on their experiences as members of maoist so-called K groups 20-30 years ago, when they stirred up hatred against economic refugees and politically persecuted persons from the GDR.
It hardly comes as a surprise that I could not make a lot of friends for my demands to subsidise refuge aid workers at the exterior borders of the EU. The German Greens argued against that proposal in the familiar way. Foolish and counterproductive, was the response from the Federal Bureau of the Greens - of course they were right with the second part of their statement: Promotion of aid to refugees contradicts the endeavours for walling off the borders against badly exploitable persons.
In this sector, successes can be gained more easily in the whole social spectrum in Brussels than with German Greens: In the Council, the Commission and the Parliament, at least the distinction between voluntary and commercial escape aid is made. Of course this is too little: Just as not all doctors who charge for their treatment may be called evil, the same cannot be said about refuge aid workers who execute their profession, even if it is without a license.