Begründung | Sonderdenkpause 2 | 28.09.01 [deutsch]
Intensification and extension of surveillance
In 1987, the Greens were still one of the driving forces opposing the national census. Fourteen years later, the party supports the new wiretapping law, and even one of the most progressive Greens justifies a surveillance system for telecommunication and an interception law for secret services (it is better than its reputation, contains crucial improvements) which make the earlier concerns of the population appear like pure paranoia.
The heavily increased potential of electronic data processing has turned the personal bits and bytes of people into rulers knowledge. Admittedly, the protection of these data has gained importance, but in the public the prejudice still dominates that the Greens were pursuing this goal. Yet the contrary is true: Not only with their toleration, but also with the active support of Greens from different European countries, plans for electronic surveillance systems will be realised on an EU level. This would mean the end of Privacy for all those people who communicate by electronic means like the telephone or the Internet. For the time being, the climax of this development is reached with the paper Create Security and Defend Liberty, published by Green Party spokesmen Volker Beck and Cem Özdemir on September 21st, 1999. These two members of the Bundestag openly acquire the goal of effectively working secret services.